Friday, December 19, 2008

Intelligent Motivation: Tips for Tough Economic Times

By Jim Cathcart

Every interview I've done recently has led with the same inquiry, "What would you tell people who are having a tough time in the current economy?" 
Here is my answer: 
  1. Increase your discipline 
  2. Spend more of each day in business building (sales) 
  3. Be more vigilant 
  4. UpServe your existing customers 
  5. Build learning into all the gaps 
  6. Stay humble 
  7. Increase your gratitude 
Increase your discipline: 
When revenue is scarce and people are afraid to make purchases it becomes vital that you make use of all your resources; tools, time and people. Take a look at what time you begin your productive work each day; make it earlier. Become a strong task-master of yourself. Make sure you do your work well and promptly. Don't allow follow-through to be delayed. Go back to the discipline you had early in your career. Be a go-getter again, develop your "productivity muscles." 

Spend more of each day in business building (sales) 
In easier times you can do what you used to do, but for now you will need to increase the number of minutes in each day that you are in direct contact with someone who can say "Yes." 
Start keeping records of your sales minutes. Track your numbers each day and improve them. Your sales success will directly depend on the number of people and amount of time you devote to helping others buy. Shuffle your duties so that your administrative actions can be done during non-prime selling time. When people are accessible be sure that you are out there seeking access to them. Ask yourself, "Does what I'm doing right now lead directly to a new sale?" If not, postpone or delegate it. 

Be more vigilant 
There are times when we have the luxury of being lax, but this is not one of them. When the threats of a poor economy are at your door you need to be sure you don't allow any of them in. 
These include: fearful thinking, delays in decision making or taking decisive action, pessimism in all of its forms, people who drain your energy, TV shows, radio shows, newspapers and online sources that feed your fear. Get these influences under your control. Reduce your exposure to fear, doom and doubt. Increase your exposure to optimism, plans, new ideas and happiness. You will reflect the people you listen to and associate with . Control the input. 

UpServe your existing customers 
Ask yourself, "How can I increase my existing customers' satisfaction?" Look for ways to add to their happiness about doing business with you. Do things that don't cost you but still give value to them. Communicate, reach out, compliment them, reassure them, offer new tips and information, service their products, show them new uses, be on their team. Help them succeed. Do NOT seek a new sale when doing this. Accept them if they come but sustain the spirit of service as you seek to UpServe. 

Build learning into all the gaps 
Add learning to your wake-up time, your drive time, waiting time, and relaxation time. Use online resources like and recordings, books and podcasts to help you gain new ideas and insights. Fill your day with new information and refreshers of past information. Stuff new information into all the gaps in your day. Let a CD play as you get dressed, listen to them in the car, put books on tape into your MP3 player. Learn more every day without having to spend more time doing new activities. Play the same messages over and over if they are valuable to you. Spaced repetition and multiple exposures will increase your retention. 
Try new things and get even better at the old things. 

Stay Humble 
Humility is one of the most attractive qualities you can have. Humble people learn from everyone. They aren't "above" doing hard work nor are they "beyond" dealing with others who don't have much power. They are caring people who are eager to listen and learn. They share the spotlight and brag about others. They don't interrupt with a compulsion to talk about themselves. Others love to be around them. Be one of them. 

Increase your Gratitude 
The most magnetic of all emotions is Gratitude. The thankful mindset draws energy to it. Think of the power of gratitude on you. How do you feel toward people who are truly grateful for what you have done for them? You are drawn even closer to them. You want to do more for them. The same is true for others. They will love your grateful spirit and seek even more ways to be helpful to you. In the "Law of Attraction" the first principle is definite purpose and the second is gratitude. Know what you want and give thanks for it even before you have received it. 

The net effect of following this advice will be that you will feel more in control of your own life and career. Your clients and coworkers will find you even more pleasant to work with and the marketplace will trust you more. You may not be able to control the results you get but you can certainly control the contribution you make and the effort you invest. This investment WILL pay off! Be the kind of person others want on their team and you will get what you desire. 

In the Spirit of Service, 
Jim Cathcart 

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