Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Intelligent Motivation for a Challenging World

By Jim Cathcart

Once on a plane my seatmate asked what I did for a living. When I told him I was a motivational speaker he replied, "I don't believe in motivation because it doesn't last." The flight attendant standing nearby said, "Neither does a bath but it's still a good idea now and then."

Of course motivation doesn't last. Nor does eating, emotion, exercise or scores of other things. But they still have value for us.
Motivation needs to be intelligently done. It's not about just generating energy around an idea or getting "pumped up" about something. Motivation is about acting on motives.

Motive + Action = Motivation

Simple motivation is merely generating enthusiasm. It is occasionally useful and effective but hardly lasting or of strategic value. Intelligent Motivation, on the other hand, is determining what is important, identifying what action is needed and doing what is necessary to generate and sustain that action.
Our new Cathcart Institute, inc. by-line is:
Intelligent Motivation
for a Challenging World.

At a recent convention I attended the cocktail reception the night before my keynote speech. Upon learning that I was the next morning's speaker a man challenged me with this request, "Since you're our 'Motivational Speaker' how about motivating me?" I smiled and asked, "To do what?" He replied, "I don't know, just motivate me." I playfully replied, "I could do that but then I'd have to bill you." Then I went on to point out that without a clear Motive there can be no motivation.
We must have something worthwhile to act toward and we need to be careful and intentional in selecting our targets. I teach people how to determine what matters to them and how to identify ways to get themselves to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done even when they don't feel like doing it and to still do it very well.
Allow me to repeat that: Self-Motivation is when people Get themselves to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done whether they feel like it or not and still do it very well.
Let's agree that if a person is not "motivated" to do good work then they probably won't do it. And if a person has no self-driven motive for excellent performance then they will have to be continually motivated by others. Motivation is absolutely essential to the success of any endeavor. We've trivialized it for far too long. It matters and it is urgent, not optional.
In a business where there isn't much self-motivation the leaders can never rest because they are the only ones holding things together. Conversely, where the people have been taught how to become and stay motivated the leaders can loosen their grip on supervision and focus on the highest payoff activities for their own talents. The more self-motivated your people become the easier it will be to lead them.
Let's also be intelligent about identifying which goals to pursue and our motives for doing so. Then let's select the best actions to take and the strategies for sustaining those actions.

Intelligent Motivation(tm):
is determining what is important,
identifying what action is needed and
doing what is necessary to generate and
sustain that action. 

When you or your team need some Intelligent Motivation please give us a call, we'd love to work with you.
800 222 4883

1 comment:

Terry Paulson said...

Right on! I'd rather be motivated than not, but motivation without an intelligent focus is wasted energy and time. You have to position where you can win, and then be committed and motivated to deliver results. I have no further time to comment. I'm getting back to my work. Too many in bad times are waiting for Washington to guide and help. While they are waiting in line, I'm going after business. I figure that is intelligent motivation. Thanks for the reminder, Jim!

Here's one of my videos on optimism that talks about how Optimists Embrace Action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulI_9ljstkE hope you enjoy.