By Jim Cathcart
In the ultimate "guy movie" Braveheart, William Wallace as played by Mel Gibson uses his last breath to scream "Freedom!" This simple declaration had the profound effect of defying his captors and inspiring his followers.
There is enormous power in both the word and the concept of Freedom. It defines the United States of America.
"I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free! And I'm proud of all the men who died to give that right to me. And I'll proudly stand up next to you and defend her here today. God knows I love this land, God Bless the USA!"
Every fiber of our society is infused with the quest for and protection of Freedom. You can even see it in our choices for transportation. Why do we have so many solo drivers in cars; in a word "Freedom!" What is the appeal of motorcycles? Freedom. Why so many bicycles on the road? Freedom. Why do so many people choose jogging as their primary exercise? Freedom. Golf? Freedom. iPods? Freedom. We choose the tools that give us the most options.
Why do we want TVs with so many channels? Yep, freedom of choice. Why do guys channel surf so much? It is the genetic hunter instinct and the joy of exploration. The remote isn't just a tool for changing channels, it is a vehicle that allows you to travel to yet unknown places when you want.
How come we form so many Professional Associations and Societies? (There are hundreds of thousands of them!) To protect our freedom within our chosen professions and to expand our markets. Why do small businesses outnumber large corporations by such an astounding numbers? Freedom.
Why are Americans willing to put their lives on the line for other countries through the military? To protect and extend Freedom. We literally are more committed to Freedom than to protecting our own personal lives. That is HUGE!
At the core of all of this is our belief system. We believe in a personal connection between mankind and God. He endowed us with "certain inalienable rights: Life, Liberty (Freedom), and the Pursuit of Happiness." In other words, we have the power to choose. We, the people, are sovereign. We don't post huge photos of our leaders and clerics in the public square. We don't go through intermediaries to communicate with our Creator, we go straight to the source. We know that when all is said and done, we will be standing alone in front of our Creator with no excuses and no defenses. No lawyers, no priests, no protectors except Him. And what makes this desirable rather than terrifying is that we believe in the forgiveness of sins and redemption of the individual. In America there is always hope. Without this belief system we would be a very different people.
We treasure our Freedom and the rights inherent in being an American. And we ought to demand to be held personally accountable as well.
But I believe this goes even deeper. It is my personal belief that we, as living beings, have a genetic purpose that goes beyond our belief system, and that is to live fully. It is the ultimate goal of all life forms. Our "job" is to be what we were designed to be and to continue to grow as long as we exist. "Go forth and multiply" isn't just a Bible passage, it is what life is all about. In the book and movie, Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton said, "life will always find a way."
But to survive we need Freedom. And it is more important for our species to survive than for just us individuals to do so. That is why we are willing to die to advance the cause of Freedom.
When each person has the Freedom to make choices they tend to make the best choices. Only when they are controlled by others and manipulated through rules/laws that suspend the laws of nature do they tend to go astray.
In nature every entity is 100% accountable for what they do and don't do. If animals, plants or insects don't do their "work" then they don't eat and they die. But people try to change the rules so that not everyone is accountable. When someone gets something for nothing (an entitlement) then someone else somewhere is getting nothing for their efforts. Naturally we should protect our weak but not by removing their need to live and think on their own. That would remove their dignity and cause them to become a drain on society rather than an enhancement of it.
Let's return our society to one of total personal accountability and responsibility. And let's protect the Freedom of every person to be able to choose good or bad, smart or dumb, easy or difficult. You can never truly "protect people from themselves" nor should you. Educate people so that each successive generation makes better choices. Then let's allow people to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. It won't be simple, easy or comfortable but it will certainly be worth it in the long run. God Bless the USA.
Here is an inspiring YouTube video of an Air Show including our National Anthem.
It is four minutes long and very impressive. Enjoy!
In the Spirit of Freedom,
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